07 June, 2008

Morning Glory

Someone who read this blog commented that it would be nice to know more about Figgles' daily life, his interests, his thoughts, his likes and dislikes, and any other stuff that he'd care to tell. Since I am getting to know Snorky Figgles myself, this will not be the cut-and-dried process that can be covered by a single post. So, with the courtesy of the hero himself, of course, we will cover all of that - and more, I hope - over time.

But, for this week, I've realized that, Figgles, like me, absolutely loves his morning sleep. I drag myself out of bed a little after 7:30 am each day. Figgles ostensibly wakes up at the same time, all bounce and giggle. However, when I return to my room with my mug of strong coffee tea ...erm... warm milk, on more than one occasion I have found this arrangment of things.

And a slight flutter from the comforter tells me that Snorky Figgles has gone back to the large world in his little head ... possibly dreaming about peach-colored fruits and other things in the recesses that I've yet to access.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

is there any reason why figgles needs to be woken up at 7:30........
dont you know the importance of "morning sleep"???