** Are pirates always bad? ('Usually, yes.' Actually it depends on how you define morality, although I think I'll defer this discussion to a later time.)
** Why is rum associated with seafaring men? ('And can I have some?' 'No!')
** What other books feature the sea and seamen of long ago? (My goodness, I know I've read some but, for now, the only ones I remember are 'smuggler' books - like Du Maurier's Jamaica Inn. And, erm, The Pirates of the Caribbean series of movies.)
** If I have to run away to sea, which is the closest sea that has pirates? ('Well, technically, piracy is outlawed. You're not allowed to be a pirate.' 'Oh.' 'Um, but it would be the Caribbean - according to fiction.' 'Ok, can you please show it to me on the Atlas?' 'Sure.' Good way to start with a little bit of geography, right?)
Anyway, so the other day I was putting away a little trinket or two, when I found I'd misplaced my heart-shaped pendant. I looked all over for it, and finally found my it on my little pirate.
Snorky Figgles looked so cute and un-pirate in his get-up that it is easy to overlook the otherwise obvious question: should the questions and the pirate games scare me?